
For the last decade we've been building tools for our collaborators, friends and ourselves. As we move towards 2023, we are looking to make this work more widely available, a process which involves a whole lot of documentation and cleanup (let us know if you want to help! We are actively looking for support and assistance.)
We are grateful for the support of various sponsors thus far and as promised all of the code which we use in our projects is open-sourced under the MIT license, repositories are available below:
The Maptool currently exists as a monorepo, and the recommended way to use it has been to wrap it in something like a React App. We are currently working on decomposing this into react packages (front end) and microservices (back end) so it can be used more easily in different contexts.

React Packages


Strange projects and one-offs. Alpha code, not guaranteed to do anything.

Ancient History
None of the following are maintained anymore, all are seriously out of date, archived here for historical purposes.