Parkway Forest

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Parkway Forest was a workshop project run by Toasterlab over two weekends at Parkway Forest Park — on Saturday, June 30 & Monday, July 2, and Saturday, July 7 & Sunday, July 8, 2016.

Workshop participants devised and recorded site-specific short films in Parkway Forest Park using 360 immersive cameras. At the end of the second weekend—during the afternoon and evening of July 8—participants and the community shared their original content as part of a Pop-Up VR Cinema, in tents at the south end of the park.

At the end of the summer, on the evening of August 23, the community and the participants were invited to join Toasterlab to launch a mobile app that geolocates participants’ films throughout the park. The app was built using a beta of [Emplacement]({% post_url 2018-05-01-Emplacement %}), and The app launch took place as part of the pre-show for the Toronto Outdoor Picture Show screening on the same evening.